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25th Jul

Guest Trader

July 25 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am MDT

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Shawn Lucas

Captain | Guest Trader


July 25
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Event Categories:
Classes, Taproom

Guest Trader


  1. Good job Olga! You asked good questions. Thanks Shawn. I’m up .43% on this call using the Wobble, so I’m hitting the probability targets and getting better at the Wobble. 🙂

  2. Shawn, beautiful explaining w Olga. Olga, it’s a pleasure to see someone overcoming the many challenges of culture and so quickly locating a fine way to earn income no matter where you are. Your construction thinking and intellegent focus are major advantages. Thanks for bravely sharing with us. Go Ukraine!

  3. liked when Shaw said when you reach you goal stop for the day I was up 290 pips in the London session over a 1% gain
    1% is my goal. started trading started trading the NY session lost 30 pips had to go to work which saved me from losing it all
    I have to get more disciplined to stop when I’m ahead have a great week